Thursday, December 4, 2008

Re-up Gang

I recently had the misfortune of losing all my digital artwork and all I can do really in times like these is re-up and not endorse the purchase of a WD passport external storage device to anyone.
These portraits are of Jia the lighting is dramatic because I ran into Eugenio Recuenco's work online and was inspired by it's darkness. Still very bummed out losing all my digital work 2008 has me feeling like I'm stuck in reverse.
And I apologize for using Photoshop to create unrealistic standards for a woman's physical appearance because Jia is already naturally as skinny as they come.^^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>> And I apologize for using Photoshop to create unrealistic standards for a woman's physical appearance because Jia is already naturally as skinny as they come.

Ibra, when you say nice conscious things like that, do you know how much it makes me want to be objectified by you!